Things Your Mom Never Told You About Skin Care


Every woman appreciates the beauty secrets passed down by their mother. Those special times when you shared the mirror with your mom as a girl and watched as she applied wonderful smelling creams to her face will never be far from your memory. As an adult today, you’re fortunate to live in times when there are more skin care treatments and products than ever before, but those little beauty tips from mom will never be far from your mind. Even still, here are some things your mom may not have told you about skin care in Brookhaven, GA.

Consistency is the Key

Skin care can’t stop for life’s little inconveniences, or when the beauty cream jar is empty. Consistency is key. Transformative results come from daily routines done over the long-term. If you let up on your skin care, the results will show on your face.

Sunscreen is For Every Day

Sunscreen isn’t just for sunny days. UV rays penetrate clouds and windows, making year-round SPF protection essential to prevent premature aging, discoloration, and even skin cancer. A good sunscreen with a high SPF is your skin’s best defense against the ravages of time, and it’s not just for the summer, or for when the sun is shining.

It’s Possible to Over Cleanse

Over-cleansing can wreak havoc on your skin. Your skin has natural oils that help to protect it. While a clean face feels great, stripping your skin of those natural oils can lead to dryness, irritation and even wrinkles. Instead, opt for a gentle cleanser that maintains your skin’s pH balance.

Cleansing Can Make Oily Skin Worse

Speaking of cleansing, there are those who are besieged with oily skin well into their 20s or even 30s. The instinct is to wash away that oil and cleanse the face multiple times per day to try to keep it from getting too shiny. But you’re caught in a vicious circle, because all that excess cleansing is actually making the condition worse, promoting overproduction of oil on the skin. Talk to your skincare aesthetician in Brookhaven, GA to learn how to break the cycle and get your skin’s oil production to calm down.

The secret to radiant skin lies in understanding its needs, making informed choices, and showing it consistent love and care. Contact us to learn more.